Sunday, December 30, 2012


The scariest year in the entire universe. It was predicted by the Mayans to be the end of the world December 21, 2012 to be exact. But as expected by many it was a hoax. For me, this year has been really amazing and a memorable one! Why? Well, Allow me to rundown the TOP 3 events and experiences that made my year AWESOME!

TOP 3. Number 3 on my list was the BANTAYAN ESCAPED that I had with my family. Every year our family decides to go out of town just to unwind and relax and of course to spend time and bond together. This summer of 2012 our family went to Bantayan Island in Cebu. It was a really fun experience because I get to spend more time with my parents and open up to them the problems im faced with. The last but definitely not the least. (For more photos:

TOP 2. One of my biggest accomplishments for this year was my leadership training school Graduation. God was really with from the beginning until the end of my Leadership school journey, He enabled me in doing things I never thought I could. All for His Glory! I received the highest recognition in our batch which was the Best Preacher Award. Thank you Lord!

Top 1. The BEST experience that I had this 2012 was the *tandadandan (drum roll)* Ayala young leaders congress-Panel Interview. It was the greatest, most wonderful, and indescribable experience! The fact that I was chosen as 1 of the top 175 from the 8++ student applicants was a huge achievement already, it was more than enough. Team Bacolod was composed with 7 students from USLS-Bacolod, 2 from WNU, and 1 from UNO-R Bacolod. From Bacolod we all flew to Manila for an interview with Ayala's Top Executives. It was a privilege on my part to be able to have an interview with them and an honor as well to have a picture  with Don. Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala. An adventure that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life.

I thank the Lord for all the things He has given me this 2012! He has made my dreams come true, He answered all my prayers. I must admit that I've been through hardships as well, those up and down moments. But all through out God never let me go! He was with me though thick and thin and even though I was unfaithful to Him and to a point that I even questioned His Lordship. I thank Him for my very supportive family, my loving friends both old and new ones, and to everyone that made my year epic.

Few hours Left and we'll bid farewell to 2012! A new year is about to begin. 2013 will be a fresh start and a renewal year for all of us. Another year to make things right! Wishing you all a Prosperous New Year!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Back to School

            After an adventurous summer vacation here comes school. I am already entering my junior year taking up Bachelor of Science in Business administration major in Marketing management at West Negros University. Preparing for school is easy but the real question is am I really ready? Well, i'm excited to see my college friends and to meet new ones as the school opens. And i'm also looking forward of learning new lessons and things that I probably might use for the future. Im excited for school because few years from now ill be standing on stage facing the crowd while receiving my diploma. My goal as a student is to do my best out of it and to make parents and the people that supports me happy and proud of my achievements. As to what my future will be, ill leave it all to God for I know He has better plans for me. For the mean time "I will do my best and let God do the rest."

Yes! Im finally ready.. Here's my complete school uniform for the school year 2012-2013

and here's my school bag and the stuffs in it :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

John 3:16

It is considered as the most famous and well loved bible verse. It has been called the Gospel in a nut shell, God's love letter for everyone. Since it's famous many people hear about this verse but the sad thing about it only few people knows the real essence of this verse.The verse has only 25 words on it yet it is considered to be the heart of the Christian Bible.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life -- John 3:16 New International Verse (NIV)

By just simply reading the verse it already gives a hint of God's love for us. He is showing us His love and the sacrifices that He is willing to do for the entire humanity. YES! This verse is commonly used but often times it is being misunderstood or overlooked. For us to fully understand the verse let us dig deeper unto it and explore the true meaning behind it.  

The verse starts with For God. God is a supreme being, the creator and the ruler of the universe and the ultimate lover of humanity. He is the beginning of this verse because He is the beginning, the source of everything.

so loved. The word "love" has variety of meanings and it could not be easily defined by words. The word love is not enough to be incorporated with God's love for us therefore the word "so" must be added. God's love for us could not be compared with any depth, breadth, length or height. His love for us is beyond what we deserve. The love of God is unceasing, sovereign, illimitable, everlasting and so on. God is LOVE!

the world. This refers to the human race, us. Here God tells that He love all of us. Walter Wilson said that "No one in all the world could possible love everyone in the world. In fact most people find it difficult to love all their relatives." But God has found it possible, with His great heart of love, to love every individual in the entire world in spite of our shortcomings.

that He gave. The greatest act in history occurred when God willingly gave Jesus, His son as form sacrifice for all of us to be saved. Now, it is easier for us to ask forgiveness we just need to acknowledge that we are sinners, believe in Him and confess our sins. 

His only begotten Son. The best gift that we could ever have. God giving Jesus as a gift for us, as a sacrifice. Jesus died on the cross and resurrected from the grave to show people that we must believe in Him to gain everlasting life.

that whoever. This refers to anyone, anybody, me, you, us, all of us. This is a great opportunity that God presents us. We are all sinners but God is willing to accept us despite the things that we had done. Let us not miss this, grab this opportunity!  

Believes. Only believe, plain and simple. This is a way for us to have everlasting life and to have God's forgiveness and deliverance from anything we had in the past.

in Him. Salvation is found in Christ alone. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness 
1John 1:9

Shall not perish. God promises us that if we come and believe in Him he will spare us from hell and at the same time we will inherent the Kingdom of Heaven. We just have to accept Him as Lord and personal Savior then regardless of what we have in the past He will forgive us.

but have. if  we choose God we wont be losing anything In-fact we will gain so many things. Once God have already given you a gift there is no way that you can lose it and no one can ever take it away from you. If we trust in God he will fill us with so much joy that we never ever experienced.

Eternal Life. God's great promise to us after we die on earth. In heaven there is no death, sickness, pain, boredom while in hell there is always pain, agony, misery, loneliness and more.. Choose God!

John 3:16 is verse that speaks life, love and more.. This verse can be used in all different aspects, and if you want to have what God promises and if you want receive Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior pray this prayer:

God, thank you for loving me! i believe that Your Son Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins and that you raised Jesus from the dead. I know that I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me from all of my sins. Please cleanse my heart of all that is not pleasing to you. I now put faith only in Jesus to forgive me and save me. I confess that Jesus is Lord! Thank you for forgiving me and for the promise of eternal life. Amen

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

It’s time to treat the women of our lives, our Mothers. In the Philippines they are called as “Ilaw ng Tahanan“ Ilaw means light while tahanan means home. Often times they are entrusted to do the daily chores and the ones that are responsible for paying bills, but they are more than that they are considered to be bring forth comfort and unity inside the family.

A mom is God’s love in action. She looks with heart and feels with her eyes. A mom is the bank where her children deposit all their worries and hurts. A mom is the cement that her family together and her love lasts a lifetime.

Last May 11, 2012 our family had a Mother’s Day celebration at Mely’s Garden, Lacson Street, Bacolod City.  Appetizing food and sweet deserts were served in front of us, it was indeed a day of pure joy and love as my mother quoted. A successful day that made mom happy J

My mom is the best chef in town she’s great in everything she does in the kitchen and needless to say she cooks everything perfectly. As a way for me to show my gratitude to my mom, I made her a sweet treat and it’s her favorite Chocolate Crinkles. I’ve tried my very best to satisfy my mother’s stomach and I believe I did with the great smile on her face she showed me.

Happy Mother’s Day Mama! I love you :))) 

Friday, May 11, 2012

My Bantyan Experince

During holy week our family decided to have our week long bakasyon grande at Bantayan Island, Cebu which I considered to be a paradise. White sand, deep blue crystal clear waters, fresh air, less pollution are some of the reasons I liked Bantayan most. In the Philippines it's really famous because it is considered as Cebu's fishing ground and for it's beauty as well. There are about 20 islets of Bantayan with some being accessible by foot from the main island at low tide. 


Waking up each morning with a beautiful sunrise welcoming you is just the best way to enjoy the start of a brand new day of your vacation. It's not just the sun but also the salty wind and the sound of the gushing waves. Bantayan is not just beautiful at day but at night as well....

There are also many restaurants located near the beach resort (Italian, French, German and more) I must say that the food they serve are delicious and especially their sea food is a must try. I like!

I consider myself coming back again on this beautiful paradise called Bantayan Island :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best Camp Ever!

                A province wide youth camp was initiated last May 30, 31 and 1, 2012 at Rafael Salas Park Bago City Negros Occidental. This camp was sponsored by the Negros Island House of Prayer (NIHOP) in cooperation with the INTERCESSORS FOR THE PHILIPPINES, INC.